EEO Services Provided to the Government

With respect to all of the services below we understand that our job is to serve as an objective and neutral party in the role that we are charged with.  

Neutral Evaluation: With respect to all of the services below we understand that our job is to serve as an objective and neutral party in the role that we are charged with and not to advocate for either party.

EEO Counseling:   The Law Offices of Stuart L. Plotnick has a team of certified and seasoned EEO counselors. As trained lawyers we have seen and experienced ADR from every aspect, and as a result, we can identify with all of the stakeholders and their sensitivities. We move quickly to identify the Complainant’s, as well as, management’s concerns, and attempt to start the parties on the road to resolution. We frame the conversation in a manner which provides both management and the Complainant with sufficient information and appreciation of the other party’s position and their emotions. The focus throughout the process is on defusing any hostility and fostering communication between the parties in order to bolster efforts at informal resolution and a return to harmony in the work environment.

Solution Driven: Our Counselors’ collective years of experience provides a unique level of insight into various solutions and assists the parties in overcoming pre-conceived thoughts regarding the process, remedies, and in many cases, the feelings of the other side.  This allows us to employ a creative and open approach to fashioning settlements acceptable to all, or at a minimum opening the lines of communication.

EEO InvestigationsOur professionals understand that in investigating complaints and preparing reports of investigation it is critical to provide a well-organized, logical, and succinct summary that focuses on the accepted issues; however, that task can only be accomplished  if your investigator has a comprehensive understanding of the factual and legal issues, and burdens of proof involved. In short, we know what is important and relevant to the prima facie case and defenses raised by management.

With this in mind our investigators understand that a thorough and well-presented investigation and summary is one that develops all of the operative facts, testimony, and provides documents relevant to the claims as being the only form of acceptable final product. In this way internal agency reviewers/specialists, the parties, counsel, and of course and if necessary, the EEOC, will be able to clearly determine whether the prima facie elements have been met and evaluate the merits of the complaint. Our experience as lawyers and EEO professionals makes our team uniquely qualified to determine the sufficiency of testimony, documentation, and other items and evidence bearing on the allegations in the complaint.

Preparation of Final Agency Decisions (“FADs”):  Our staff has prepared numerous FADs. Because many of us are lawyers who have handled these cases through the entire legal process, we uniquely understand the legal and procedural issues, burdens of proof and nuances involved.  Thus, we are able to skillfully and accurately present a thorough factual background, and well- reasoned legal analysis and conclusion(s) of law.

Titles VI, IX and ADA Compliance Reviews: Our firm also performs comprehensive reviews or audits of universities, research institutions and other federal grant recipients to insure compliance with the Equal Opportunity (EO) and diversity requirements of Titles VI and IX, as well as the Age Discrimination Act. This work includes the development and performance of surveys, review of recipient EO policies and protocols, interviewing compliance officials, on-site reviews, statistical analysis of employment, personnel and student enrollment data, and the use of other tools in order to measure equality of access to education or other benefits or resources.